Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

The Life in Paradise

The life in this world with the life in paradise so different. The life in this world isn't everlasting, but except in paradise that's mean in paradise is everlasting. We must collect the tickets to be live in the paradise, are you know what's the tickets? The tickets are rewards, don't be give up to get more rewards. Don't be arrogant if you are rich, you are so success, you are beautiful, handsome, you are smart, many peoples love you and many more in this world. Because that's not mean if you are will be live in paradise or not, don't be good in the view of the peoples in this world because that's not mean if that's so good in Allah's view. We can't imagine and measure how beautiful or nice of the life in paradise. But, in paradise we can got what we want and we can so happy forever in the paradise, there isn't words of bad and sad.

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