Rabu, 19 Maret 2014


Everything that's Allah giving to us, that's the best for us and that's happiness for us.. But, we aren't know if that's the best/happiness for us, sometimes we just think if that's bad/sadness , just remember LIVING THING'S VIEW is DIFFERENT with ALLAH'S VIEW. ALLAH more know about what the best for us, NOT OURSELF.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2014


Don't be bad attitude or doesn't care to children/anyone, because if like that we are more despicable than bad animals..


Not everlasting the peoples always in nice position (success), but the peoples can be in bad posistion (down from success). That's like birds, the birds are flying just for a while, they will be stay in trees or other places, and like from high place just a while and then stay away from high place..

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

The Life in Paradise

The life in this world with the life in paradise so different. The life in this world isn't everlasting, but except in paradise that's mean in paradise is everlasting. We must collect the tickets to be live in the paradise, are you know what's the tickets? The tickets are rewards, don't be give up to get more rewards. Don't be arrogant if you are rich, you are so success, you are beautiful, handsome, you are smart, many peoples love you and many more in this world. Because that's not mean if you are will be live in paradise or not, don't be good in the view of the peoples in this world because that's not mean if that's so good in Allah's view. We can't imagine and measure how beautiful or nice of the life in paradise. But, in paradise we can got what we want and we can so happy forever in the paradise, there isn't words of bad and sad.

Important of Du'a

Du'a is something that's we say from our heart or like wishes. If we do anything without du'a it's so like arrogant to Allah. Don't be du'a with bad words because to give to the peoples who make us hurt, just du'a for the best to them. Allah listened and do what's in our du'a, that's not our want or our need but that's what's important for our life. If we had bad experience or failed in something, we just du'a to Allah if Allah will give us more than the best for us in the right time. Don't be ever we think, when Allah not do what's in our du'a because Allah hate us. Allah won't hate to the peoples who have good attitude, soft soul and etc. That's mean, Allah not allow yet, Allah will give more than it, Allah want to exam how be patient we are and will us stop to du'a or keep du'a until the end of time in this world.

Important of Reading Al-Qur'an

Al-Qur'an is a holy book's of Islam religion. Muslim also knew, if they are must be reading Al-Qur'an. Al-Qur'an is the direction to live with do good things in world and for our life in the paradise. With reading Al-Qur'an that's can make our soul so calm, more near to Allah, and also increase of rewards. With Al-Qur'an we can understand everything with our heart, with Al-Qur'an we can find what's in our life. If the muslim understand the meaning of every verse carefuly, that's so useful to be do in our life, give advice to other muslim, and to be direction when we alive. We can more knew about important of reading Al-Qur'an, with we read it and understand so carefuly.

Thank Allah

What's the purpose of 'Thank Allah'? With thank Allah that's mean if Allah gave everything to us, we really believe what's we have, what's we got that's all are giving by Allah and we really thankful to Allah. When we alive, we must thank Allah every time, every second. Every second, we are breathing that's mean Allah give us a believe to still breathing. We have a family, for who have a complete family we must thank Allah, because other peoples who haven't family or not complete are want have complete family, we must respect our family or other peoples. Allah gave us complete or not complete family that is what the best for us, so must be thank Allah. We can eat/drink so delicious foods/drinks, we have many money to buy as we want, but don't be ever throw that's foods or drinks that's not used up. In outside, many of peoples need foods or drinks but they can't get it, they must search in so dirty places, so if can be drink or eat must drink/eat as enough as we can, not too much. When we eat/drink we must pray to Allah first, then when finished thank Allah already gave us food and drink. We have complete part of body, and we must use that as well as possible. How a pity who haven't complete part of body, but they are more strong than us who have complete part of body. Altought they are like that, they are so thank Allah, they can know if that's the best for them in their life. We must thank Allah too, and if something happen just remember Allah and that's the best for us. We live in comfort place like home and the other. Sometimes, we don't think about the peoples who live in beside streets, under the bridge, that's so sad. They are can be sick because of the weather, and they haven't things that they can use. You can think, if you are like that, we can't be like that. We always give up to life because of that, we do bad things and forgot to Allah. Truly, what's will happen to us that's the best for us as I said before. In this life, Allah want us to pray, do what's Allah said and avoid what's of Allah's prohibit. All we do, all we have, all we got that's from Allah and we must thank Allah.


Motivation is the one example to be spirit to have or get something that's we want. We can get motivation from ourself. Too many motivation that we have are good to be get the best result. If we haven't motivation, for what we life? Motivation is so important for us. And also, we have something that's can make our motivation increase, such as : see the peoples pray to their God, see the life of poor peoples, see the condition of physical defect's peoples, what we passed and feeling in our life, and many more. Motivation came from our heart, if not came by our heart, that's name 'forced'. Motivation is good to be growth since childhood, because when growth up to be adult and old, more knowledge that's we know, more experience that's we have, can be more understand what's in our life are so many motivation that's we have until we are success in this world and also in paradise (depends of every peoples). Don't forget to help the peoples who need our help and don't forget to the peoples who help us to be success.

Our Life

Let's our life flow like water, in many obstacle we can passed it. 


Patient is the most important in our life. We can pass everything so fluence with pray to Allah SWT and of course must be patient too. I knew, patient is too easy to say, but if haven't faith so strong, it's so hard to do. Patient is the key to increase our faith, more patient we are, more rewards that's we have. Patient can't make us angry so easy. There isn't people who hasn't problem, from the little problem until the big problem. Don't be give up with bad way to solve the problem, Allah SWT gave us a problem not outside of our skill. We don't be ever search the way to solve the problem, but we just pray and be patient. To consciously, we can pass the problem :). Sometimes, with patient we can feel hurt, but the result of that, we can be in happiness in paradise.

Rabu, 19 Februari 2014


Sometimes, we are in good life or in the bad life. That's depend of the spinning wheel of life and of course the life that's already choosed by Allah SWT. We must receive with sincerity of our heart, and also we must know the good things that's we must do in our life, not all the peoples know that's the good or bad things in their life. And more important for us is we must hold responsible what's we did since we life in this world, we must use our times as well as possible and do as well as possible, altought we don't happy in this world with right way don't be ever do what we wish with wrong way to get the happiness in this world. Our life in this world wont be everlasting, the everlasting place is only in the afterlife. In the afterlife there are 2 places, there are paradise and hell. So, if we want life in paradise, we don't make the wrong way to be the right way, we don't make haram to be halal. In this time, all peoples are like that, and that's like back to zahiliyah era. I just wish all peoples more near to Allah SWT, to avoid to do bad things.

The Miracles

We often listen and say this word "miracle". I don't know when the peoples say "miracle", they know what's mean of they said. Are you know what's miracle? It's ok if we don't know what's miracle but, we can understand what's miracle :). In my opinion, miracle is something that's has useful meaning and insyaallah if we thankful to Allah SWT, so that's miracle who gave by Allah SWT would be the best. As we knew, every years, every months, every weeks, everyday, every times, and every seconds, Allah SWT giving us miracle that's we don't feel to consciously. We must believe or be positive thinking if Allah SWT giving us miracle and that's the best for our life. Sometimes, we don't know if health is the one of the best miracle that Allah SWT give to us and many more, to consciously or not we must be grateful to Allah SWT. Beside that, the disaster, accident and etc, that's include to miracle too because, with that Allah SWT can make the peoples faith will be increase, more strong, dilligent to pray, never forget to Allah SWT and every things that's will we do always be pray first to wish all we do so useful and the best for all. Also, we can learn  the miracles that's Allah SWT gave to us. 
I wrote like this without planned and I wrote this from what's in my heart. I hope this words that I post will be useful for the poples who read this. Aamiin

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

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